The Plant Genome and Development Laboratory
UMR 5096 – CNRS/UPVD Directeur : Olivier PANAUD, Professeur, IUF
The Laboratoire Génome et Développement des Plantes (LGDP) studies plant genome dynamics and regulation of gene expression, particularly during development, and in processes of plant acclimation and adaptation to abiotic stress.
The LGDP is presently composed of 60 members, including 38 permanent staff (19 CNRS, 18 UPVD and 1 IRD), 9 CDD and 13 PhDs organized in 7 complementary teams. LGDP is a member of the LabEx AGRO and TULIP, of the local Recherche Federation (FREE, that include the Bioenvironnement Platform), of two CNRS GDR, Mobil-ET and EPIPLANT, of two European COST actions (EPITRAN and INDEPTH) and of an European Innovative Training Network (EpiDiverse).
![LGDP word cloud word cloud](uploads/images/recherche/wordcloud5.jpeg)